Project Location: Lakeview, Saskatoon, SK
Can you tell I like Catmint and Tufted Hair Grass? 😅
We had been working for these clients for a few years, routinely trimming and shaping the numerous shrubs they had out front. When they asked me to redesign the front beds I jumped at the offer. I was so excited to plant out some native plant plugs I had been saving for the perfect job. Wild Prairie Onion, Tufted Hair Grass or was it Prairie Dropseed Grass? Big Hydrangeas and Karl Foerster Grass soften the front porch. Honestly everything we planted in the front yard here has taken off! The beds are busting with colour, texture and seasonal interest. The catmints are covered in bees all summer long! Our clients are happy and we get to take care of another beautiful garden in Saskatoon!